Book Review “The Ten Golden Rules
of Leadership”
Classical wisdom for modern
leaders by Michael A. Soupios
Michael Soupios
applies thoughts and practices from Greek philosophers to the field of leadership. I want to share eight of his ten rules - they are easy to write about yet challenging
to live by when the going gets tough. May they invite you to reflect on and question as well as fine-tune your own leadership practices.
‘Know Thyself’ – Thales
is a fundamental precondition for effective leadership, but you first have to
overcome three hurdles:
1. Society’s distractions that keep
you from meaningful self-inquiry.
2. Self-defense tendencies such as obscuring,
distorting, and fictionalizing on behalf of a fabricated reality that fits your
3. Your tendency to seek out a
maximum of pleasure (hedonistic principle), so why would you engage in painful and
candid self-exploration and self-confrontation?
When your
self-assurance becomes rash presumption, you turn from a valuable asset to a
dangerous liability. If you take success for granted because of earlier success,
complacency will follow. Success requires continuous effort and humility that
acknowledges the possibility of defeat.
Office shows the person – Pittacus
investment of power and authority in a person rapidly reveals their inner
qualities. Power will reflect what no resume does: the person’s psychological
disposition. Misuse of power can be a psychological deficiency: Power becomes a
compensatory asset - a defense mechanism to counterbalance feelings of inadequacy
and vulnerability. The abusive application of power (the need to control and
dominate) becomes a way to attain a sense of security and confidence. Of the
many potential shortcomings a leader can bring to an organization, arbitrary
application of power is lethal: Criticizing, micromanaging, second-guessing, or
bullying others creates a toxic and unproductive environment where people watch
their backs and avoid risks.
Nurture community in the workplace
– Plato
development and positive group sentiment are virtues that leaders must nurture
by providing the right support and incentives. For this
to happen, leaders have to conquer three obstacles and help their staff do the
same: “Individualism” (I before We), a lack of willingness to critically
self-assess and the myth of the lone, maverick, self-made genius.
Do not waste energy on things you
cannot change – Aristophanes
must assume a posture of flexible response: Quick to take advantage of new
opportunities and quick to discard practices
that offer little prospect of benefit. Honest failure should be forgiven but
intentional and hypocritical refusal to own up is very harmful. A leader’s
capability to disregard a failing project and act accountable for failure is a
reflection of his ego status and character. Do you have the confidence and courage to acknowledge your limitations
and misjudgments?
Always embrace the truth – Antisthenes
leaders embrace the truth, in every
situation. They encourage candid criticism throughout the organization, they
are skeptical of flattering appraisals, and they don’t allow authority to stand
between them and the truth. According to Antisthenes there are only two people
who will tell you the truth about yourself: An enemy who lost his temper and a
friend who loves you dearly. Sadly, organizations are rarely inclined to
examine their own premises. Instead they want employees to endorse the
prevailing system of beliefs. Challenging a leader’s decisions is uncommon but
you need to ask yourself: “What do I gain with yes-men who passively accept my predigested
views?” I invite you to be among the few who have the maturity and emotional
security to invite and accept criticism and dissenting views.
Let competition reveal talent – Hesiod
employees can be hired yet bringing out their talent and aligning talent with
organizational interests requires an environment that allows staff to
compete with each other in a constructive way. Leaders want to select
individuals in whom contest is likely to generate high levels of enthusiasm and
Live life by a higher code – Aristotle
believed that leaders with high moral standards lead an unusually principled
life with a dutiful commitment to personal virtue. Leaders need to earn the
trust of their followers for everyone to thrive. This trust doesn’t happen by
accident. You earn it not through the power and authority that was assigned to
you but through your character and your personal conduct: You invite
and value contrarians and don’t hold grudges. You assist those who are in need
and don’t ask or expect something in return while remaining calm in the face of
Always evaluate information with a
critical eye – the Skeptics
When you assess
information please remember: What was conventional wisdom only yesterday may no
longer be valid today. You must consider the circumstances that shaped the
information and critically examine the means by which it is conveyed. You want
to watch for hidden agendas or political objectives and suspend judgment. Make
sure to develop a critical mindset that accepts nothing at face value.
Lets close with Socrates: “The unexamined life is not worth living”.
Lets close with Socrates: “The unexamined life is not worth living”.